
Layout of Cultural Assets

Motomiya Magaibutsu

  • Motomiya Magaibutsu

    Motomiya Magaibutsu

This is a Magaibutsu representing the deity of Motomiya Hachiman Shrine as Gongen. Bishamonten, Kongaradoji, and Jikokuten statues are placed around Fudomyooh at the center. Many of the Magaibutsu statutes in "Kunisaki" are related to water, and Motomiya Magaibutsu was also built at a place near rice fields in Tashibuyokomine and Ikebe.

Name of Cultural Asset Motomiya Magaibutsu
Designation Status National historic site
Category Acala , Carved Buddha Figure
Role Played in Story Acala at the center has a calm expression and is a gently watching people as the guardian of Motomiya Hachiman Shrine.
Location of Cultural Asset Tashibumanaka Bungotakada
Suggested Itineraries 初詣モデルコースB 田染三社と磨崖仏